Enrollment Information

Returning Students - Annual Update

Must complete returning student registration.

Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year!

The annual update process for returning Spring ISD students for the 2023-24 school year is now open.

Similar to last year, we will require that parents/guardians log into the Spring ISD website then click on the MySpringISD portal icon. From within the portal, you’ll be able to log into the Home Access Center to access the annual update.

We have outlined the specific steps and are also linking a Parent Guide that provides detailed instructions with screenshots: Online Returning Student Registration Parent Guide

**If you are new to the district and need assistance registering, please refer to the NEW Student Online Registration Parent Guide.

If you require any additional support, please contact your campus.


  1. Go to www.springisd.org, then click on the MySpringISD icon and enter the Portal and log-in using your Username and Password

    1. This is the same Username and Password that you use to view student grades and attendance

    2. If you are having trouble logging into the Portal, and/or you can't remember your Username and/or Password please contact your campus-or review the Parent Guide.

    3. Use the same Username and Password that you just used for the Portal to log into the Home Access Center (HAC) to continue with the application process.


  1. Make sure you have the Registration icon selected and then select the ‘Update Enrollment’ tab

  2. Under Available Forms, select ‘Start’ to complete the 2024 Returning Student Registration Form

  3. Enter the student’s date of birth to begin the form

For parents of more than one student, you will need to complete the registration of one student FIRST and submit it.

Once you have successfully submitted one Returning Student Registration, return to Home Access Center (HAC) and click on the current student name in the top right of the header. Select the next student from the list and then click Submit.

Please note: Parents and guardians are required to complete their student’s registration prior to the first day of school on August 10.

If you have questions, please contact your campus or our district support number at 281-891-6337. 

  • En Español

  • Returning Students


Parent Guide
Frequently Asked Questions

For more information about registration, or to begin online registration, visit Register and review the general requirements for registration. Contact the campus if you have questions about the online registration process.

Go to Register