
Counseling Program At Burchett Elementary

Counselor:  Shanita Nelson

Counselor Shanita Nelson

Email Shanita Nelson
Contact: 281-891-8636

Greetings Bobcat Family,

My name is Shanita Nelson and it is with great pleasure to serve as your School Counselor for the 2nd year at Burchett 2023-2024! This will be my 9th year in education and I’m proud to continue my journey. I received a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a master’s degree in counseling from the fabulous HBCU, Prairie View A&M University.  Prior to counseling, I was an English Language Arts/Reading teacher for 6th and 7th grade, which I thoroughly enjoyed.  I’m originally from Louisiana but Texas (go Dallas Cowboys!) is home.

My mission is to equally support all students to develop and enhance their academic, social, and personal strengths. My vision is that all students will achieve social and emotional growth along with academic success. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I am looking forward to a successful year in Bobcat country.